Bespoke cards

Bespoke cards increase the perceived value of an item, enhance sales and serve to promote the venue. We wish to encourage and help our customers to display and sell our products with their own branded cards. Ideally a card is pierced to suit the category of item to be displayed. A card which works well for a chain necklace will not suit drop earrings and vice versa.

Small quantities

The economic quantities for professionally printed and pierced cards are high and initially they can be daunting and prohibitive. To counter this we have developed an in-house strategy which enables us to produce as few as 100 cards of a design/category; standard card, one sided, simple design, colour on white card.
Typically, an order may require relatively small quantities of several different cards; we are now willing and able to accommodate this and supply our products on the appropriate bespoke card charging at the rate of £0.30 per card, (€ 0.36, $ 0.40).
For example, an order may require 84 stud earring cards, 120 drop earring cards, 108 neck-lace cards, 180 swing tags and 96 sock cards; a total of 588 cards. The charge will be 588 x £0.30 = £176.40 (€ 217.56, $235.20) for the cards and we will put the items you order on your cards with no extra charge.

Larger quantities

We can produce 1000 cards of each design / piercing, professionally printed on a stock card. For example –
Size of card 60 x 95mm, thickness 350 gsm, colour white, printed 2 colours front, one colour on the reverse, with a hanging hole in the top and pierced to suit a particular item.
1000 cards for £150. (€180, $250). Each card £0.15, (€0.18, $0.25).
If we are allowed to put our logo on the back, very small, then we will subsidise the cost of the card and the price for 1000 would be £120 (€150, $200). Each card £0.12, (€0.15, $0.20).
Most other card sizes are the same price. Larger quantities cost less per card
There would also be a charge for putting the items on the custom card which is restricted to £0.07 (€0.08, $0.10).

The art

For both small and large quantities it is assumed that the artwork for the card will be presented, ready to print, as a vector file but we are willing to help with design work if required, first hour free, £35/hour (€42, $45) thereafter.