Forecast for stock holding.

We are committed to making sure that the experience of buying from Joe Cool is simple and dependable. The key to this dependability is us having the items you want, when you want them. We would also like to reduce our carbon foot print and this involves using sea freight (as oppose to air) as much as possible. The two aims are not mutually exclusive. We would like to propose that, if possible, you provide us with a forecast, based on past sales, of items you are likely to require within the period of the next 3 or 6 months (or whatever makes most sense for you).

Your forecast will not be treated as an order, is not a commitment to buy; nor does it guarantee that we will have the sock. It will give us the confidence to schedule production well in advance making allowance for sea shipment. Your forecast will ensure that delays with orders, damaging out-of-stock periods and the use of air freight is kept to an absolute minimum.

This isn’t of course a way of eliminating all difficulties, but we already use this system with several of our customers and it is our experience that regular forecasts can transform the way we do business, boosting sales and buyer confidence; and that can only be a good thing for everyone.

It does not have to be for all the items you buy from us, it could just cover what you consider the core items.

Let us know your thoughts, there’s absolutely no obligation on either side. Please see below for an example of the kind of information we would be looking for.


Joe Cool Item CodeDescription ( optional)Forecast for 6 months from 1/3/2025
JC24565ACRing glass assorted colours180 psc
JC56197Bracelet resin keyboard96 psc
JC61182Necklace with a pendant Pegasus96 psc
JC61834Scarf musical cat turquoise120 psc
JC61941Stud earring classic bumble bee240 prs
JC62213Shoulder bag black guitar84 psc
JC62230Hair pin wood fine deco240 prs
JC62436Socks Cotton Blue Counting Sheep180 prs