Glass rings are a beautiful way of capturing and displaying the incredible properties of this wonderful old material. Here at Joe Cool we (somewhat immodestly) boast of having one of the best if not the very best selection available on the market. Our range of designs are produced for us from around the globe and include styles using traditional techniques alongside newly developed formulae. Glass rings exhibit the gorgeous visual attributes of fluidity, depth of colour and light play whilst being strong and durable. Recently introduced to the collection are slim millefiori bands whereby an age old method is harnessed in a modern way to create pretty floral rings. These can be presented to great effect with our domed ring and some of the other millefiori products in our collection. Check out some of the examples below.

Other new editions include ‘Mikado’, a punchy modern ring with colourful ‘tutti-frutti’ dot and dash detail. ‘Spot-on’ is a contemporary looking ring made using a clever new technique whereby blobs of colour remain distinct within the glass making a unique ‘spotted’ appearance. ‘Spot-on’ comes in a black, white and grey design or as assorted multi-colours – each and every hand-made ring is unique.

When metals and metallics are introduced, glass rings take on a completely different quality. The tiny particles of gold, copper, silver and metallic colours elevate to create enigmatic and glamorous rings of true beauty. The best bit is these lovely items remain distinctly affordable whilst emanating pure quality. ‘Deep Ocean’ is an assortment of three styles of design; deep cobalt metallic speckles on white, a dark blue swirl on Murano silver-lined and a rich blue and green vortex pattern. ‘Precious metals’ comes as six sophisticated styles in classic metal hues and ‘Lagoon blues’ is a name that probably speaks for itself – gorgeous turquoise, azure and emerald tones all captured in a gleaming glass dome.

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