Christmas colours – when red and green should often be seen

Christmas colours – when red and green should often be seen

Christmas is fast approaching and thoughts turn to those seasonal themes and colours so familiar to us all. Though ‘red and green should never be seen…’ as the saying goes, this is a time of year when those most iconic of Christmas colours can be employed to great effect. Whether the red berries of holly against dark green leaves, ruddy

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Bunnies – best bunny jewellery and accessories

Bunnies – best bunny jewellery and accessories

Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies! What better animal to celebrate the coming spring days and fast approaching Easter. Our All Creatures collection has greatly expanded and along with all the other wonderful animals great and small, bunnies have multiplied.Within our selection of rabbits you will find a bunny for any customer and occasion! Tiny matt silver rabbit stud earrings with gold ears

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Rock into 2018 with magical stone jewellery

Stone jewellery in myriad forms is set to take centre stage in our new collections this year. Look out for fabulous agate, crystal and stone jewellery as you have never seen it. Stunning electroplated agates come as silver spheres with a glimpse of twinkling interior as featured. Gold and mysterious rainbow colours are also on offer and luminescent rough cut

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Beautiful bow jewellery – bangles to earrings

Beautiful bow jewellery –  bangles to earrings

Beautiful bow jewellery in a wonderful array of colours is a great choice for a vibrant and enticing summer display. In the Spectrum collection you will find a lovely selection of one of our top selling lines of all time. Choose acrylic bow rings in a choice of two sizes and a huge variety of colours. The original, an acrylic bow bangle

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